Monday, October 26, 2015

Watch the video of DFC project done by panchayat union middle school odugampatty, natham union dindigul district . 624402.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

                               I am happy to announce to plant 5000 plants from odugampatty to Natham.
Interested people can join help us.
                        Thank You.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tree planting Events

Planting sapling in P.U.P.S. Kottaiyoor, Natham Union, Dindigul District

Sirugudi Panchyat, Natham Thaluk, Dindigul Dt, plants a tree.

2015_ project aims

                    Plans to be executed this year:
             -------------- More than 10,000 Saplings planting and maintaining.
             -------------- Preparing 10,00,000 saplings in the nursery
             --------------Creating awareness among students and public about tree planting.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Namaskaram  all,
                                    All those schools who are having ECO Clubs in Natham Union, Dindigul District, will be provided saplings by PROJECTGREENVILLAGES . The first plant is going to be planted by our A.E.E.O s and BRC superviser to celebrate International Ozone Day.
                                                  Let's Grow a lot of trees together.
                                                                    Thank you.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

logo and aim

It’s my initiation to plant and take care of  2 crore plants around tanks and public places.


                 I am very happy to create this blog projectgreenvillages. This will carry all the news regarding tree planting and other activities. let's make green villages.

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